
Costume Consulting Program

Cutting edge design with extraordinary service

In dealing with Mascot Programs, IMC has worked with organizations to create entire mascot programs. This includes:

• Procedures and guidelines
• Maintenance
• Facility
• Transportation
• Performer Training
• Sponsorship Opportunities

Request a mascot today! Call us at 1-800-834-8588

IMC works on all aspects of the Mascot Program until they become “self-sufficient” and capable of running on their own. To accomplish this, IMC charges a monthly consulting fee or a one-time consulting fee (whichever is more beneficial to the situation and client).

It is our opinion that an internal Corporate Mascot Program works best when the majority of positions are operated on a volunteer basis. IMC works with a designated individual(s) from the hiring organization to prepare the “foundation” for the Mascot Program. Once the program can be run internally by the organization and its’ volunteers, our work is complete.

The costs for IMC Consulting Services to assist in the preparation of all details are tailored to the client’s needs.

It is important to understand that it is our goal to have all of the maintenance, training, costume distribution and storage, and transportation handled by volunteers and managed by a representative of the hiring organization. This will serve as a strong foundation for a very successful Mascot Program.