
Costume Design

IMC provides design services on a same day basis free of charge! Whether working from our client’s original character artwork or creating new concepts, IMC is committed to creating memorable costume designs!

During the design process we consider many factors:

  • Performance Environments
  • Frequency of Appearances
  • Performer and Costume Sizing
  • Performer Comfort and Safety
  • Transportation and Storage Needs
  • Maintenance and Repair Requirements
  • And most important of all…Creating a memorable costume design!

Design Development and Copyright

IMC’s costume designing service is an important step in earning the right to provide clients with our costume services. IMC’s design services are provided free of charge, unlike other companies that charge a “conceptual development” or “copyright” fee for costume artwork. Upon selecting IMC as your costume vendor, the copyright to the character design is automatically transferred to our customer! No extra charge; no hassle; no problem!

IMC’s costume design services give you the opportunity to explore a wide variety of designs so you can select the best overall concept for your costume needs. Regardless on the number of designs we develop for you or if you suddenly decide not to order a costume, there is NO CHARGE for IMC’s design services!

Costume Design and Development Timelines

IMC has extensive creative resources and can produce your costume design on a same day basis! We encourage our clients to interact with our artists, participating in the process with their comments and suggestions as their character design evolves into their final costume design. There is no restriction on this creative process! IMC artists will invest the time and provide you with as many designs as required in order to create your own unique costume design!

From initial design development to costume delivery, the process usually runs from 6 to 8 weeks. It is important to note that IMC continues to encourage customer interaction during the manufacturing process and provides clients with digital photo updates of their costume’s development if needed. What happens if you need your costume ASAP!

At IMC this process can be completed in as little as 10 Days if needed to meet a client’s critical delivery requirements!